What is Jelly Bean Sports?



Teaching children sports is not a new concept. Teaching children in the ways they learn best is also not a new concept.  But teaching children sports in the ways they learn best is a new concept.

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Image of Coach Pickles and four sporty jelly beans

Sports taught in the ways children learn best.

Jelly Bean Sports is the “Sesame Street” sports has never had.. Blending entertainment and education to create a fun edutainment approach, we, likewise, lead the way in getting young children excited and hungry for more when it comes to sports.

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Focus follows flow

Our instructional formula gives young children greater challenge and the opportunity to be successful and learn more faster. Our adoption of flow science complements our methodologies of teaching children in the ways the learn best. They get children into a “flow state” and it opens up amazing opportunities for learning readiness:

Undistracted concentration

Up to 500% more productive

Acquire more information per/second

Retention amplifies up to 90%

Selfishness and anxiety disappears

Pattern recognition increases

Get up to a 2-second advantage in response over normal thought process


Image of jelly bean passing a basketball

Changing sports’ trajectory through imagination

Sports has always looked to the horizon for its answers. With the advent of Jelly Bean Sports, it can now look to the stars. Like the vast expanses of space, the possibilities when imagination is entered into the equation become endless.

Two of the hardest things to do in sports have been to keep it simple and to make it fun. Sports culture, its rigid rules, professional structure and drive to be sportsmanlike have created many problems especially for children’s first introductions.

Turning the trajectory of sport’s evolution upward adding imagination is a game changer, early learner to elite athlete. Only seeing sports retrospectively from the elite athlete downward, we now get to experience the expanse of the possibilities with imagination. It is exactly where positive change happens and problems in sports get fixed.

Our characters essentially make sports cool to young children. 

Jelly Bean Sports is the next Sesame Street but for sports
— Gerald Molen, Executive Producer of Jurassic Park

Image of jelly bean holding a bat

Sprinkles on an already delicious cupcake

Bringing our characters to life through the use of animation is like sprinkles on an already delicious cupcake. Kids love of our characters aligns us with other successful children’s properties like Sesame Street and the Wiggles. Each have had a giant influence on Jelly Bean Sports. They have taught us how to education through entertainment to grab young children’s attention.

Boy holds ring

The secret to sports success

The formula for sports success is no secret. In fact, it is simple. Sports science tells us for early learning to elite athletes that there are 3 universal principles we should coach too. They ARE the best determinants of an athlete’s long-term sports success:

1. Positive attitude

2. Love of the game

3. Coachability

In our case, we believe “coachability” to be all-encompassing. Tools like training aids children are magnetically attracted to. They help redirect attention and put children into a flow state. Once there children feel their best and perform at their best and they allow us to do our jobs, teach. Hence that is how positivity and their love of the game are uniquely wrapped in our coaching, a flow state.

Young children sit beneath a parachute held by parents


Where many programs have fail has been by leaving parents sitting on the sidelines.. Parent involvement instrumental in our science-based approach.

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Fighting Childhood Obesity

One of the problems sports culture’s rigid rules, professional structure and drive to be sportsmanlike has created is no place for young children in sports. The best advantage young children get in sports is to have positive experiences early on in their careers.

Sports science told us less than 40% of youth sports programs are spent in an aerobic state. This is unacceptable. Our solution has been fun colorful wearable devices measuring steps and distance. Children don them before class. They wear them throughout and in the end they are read and they tell the story of how hard kids worked.

It is a simple yet effective step in promoting a children’s healthy lifestyles and raising awareness of adults of their role in the process, including children’s introductions to quality of youth sports programs.

Getting more girls to play sports

Different colors of Jelly Bean Sports t-shirts

Color and contrast



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